Information afternoon Den Dolder

Sunday, November 3, Stap4stap organizes an afternoon in den Dolder about tools and treatments that parents are excited about. CloudCuddle is invited to be present. Curious about the CloudCuddle and want to experience how sturdy it is? We will gladly take the time to inform you in detail that afternoon.
Stap4Stap staff hear and see that there are many questions from parents about various topics. Among other things about treatments and aids. This gave them the idea to open the doors of the stables for an informal afternoon around a small knowledge market with various products and treatments. For example, a pediatrician from the Radboud umc will tell something about the use of botox in disabled children and Julie Vermeulen from Stap4Stap will provide information about baby/child sign language. In addition, there are a number of product presentations including CloudCuddle.
Everyone is welcome to stop by, both parents and professionals.
Information market: 13:00 – 16:00 hours
Stap4Stap – Soesterdijkerweg 2 – Den Dolder