Finally safe sleepover at grandpa and grandma

Staying safe with grandma and grandpa? It`s possible with a sturdy bed tent

Grandmothers and grandfathers are often very happy when their grandchildren come to stay. But staying safely with grandparents requires some adjustments if your grandchild is developmentally disabled. Mother Marinka shows in the video below that it can be done with a CloudCuddle bed tent. And grandma Jeanne is very happy that Davey can finally come and stay with them.

Ordinary mattress becomes safe bed with grandma

In the video you can see how Davey`s mother and grandma turn an ordinary mattress into a safe bed with a bed tent from CloudCuddle. “For me as a grandmother also very nice,” says Jeanne de Ruiter, Davey`s grandmother. “Every time his little brother comes to sleep, I think: oh, why can`t Davey? And now he can.”

The bed tent is so at grandparents` house

Davey`s mother, Marinka Koornneef: “The bed tent is just like that. A lot easier than how I used to go somewhere to put him to sleep. This gives a lot of air.” Further on in the video she says: “He makes very relaxed, quiet noises. He doesn`t have that when he`s not in here. There`s always tension, stress, on his body. And now … well, so calm, and so relaxed. Even if he doesn`t sleep in it, he can have his own rest room to play in during the day. Well, ideal.”

Also want to rent a bed tent or try it out for a weekend?