Reimbursement also possible in Belgium?

Reimbursement of bed tent in Belgium depends on mutual health insurance and VAPH

After the two stories of experience that we recorded last month from Dutch families, this time it is the story of Krista from Antwerp and her son Jorn. She is hoping to be reimbursed for the bed tent in Belgium. Jorn has Smith-Magenis syndrome, which disturbs his day-night rhythm. This often keeps the whole family from sleeping. A CloudCuddle can offer a solution. How nice it would be if they could get a refund soon.

Banging keeps everyone awake

“Day and night are reversed with Jorn,” Krista explains. “He wakes up every night and then it takes at least 2 hours before he sleeps again. And when he is awake, he starts banging against the edges of his bed box. That creates a lot of noise that wakes everyone up.”

No banging with CloudCuddle….

“Like many parents, we tested the CloudCuddle at home. I found it very special to wake up in the morning and realize that I had slept through. Not waking up to Jorn’s banging. CloudCuddle had absorbed the blows, so we were not bothered by the banging.”

… Or unexpectedly a child at your bedside

“When we sleep elsewhere, it’s always exciting how we keep Jorn in bed. Until now we took a bed tent with us. This is now too small and had the disadvantage that Jorn could open it himself. So he often stood beside our bed unexpectedly. You understand that we did not close our eyes anymore. Then ‘vacation’ is anything but vacation. CloudCuddle gives us the peace of mind we need. Jorn feels like his own familiar cocoon, and we have the assurance that he can’t crawl out.”

Hope for VAPH

“Soon someone from the Christian Mutuality (CM) will come by. We have been on the waiting list for a long time. The CM has now sent the papers to the VAPH. Our home assistant has also helped to demonstrate the urgency. We recently tested the stronger version of CloudCuddle and liked it even better. Friends of ours who are in a similar situation have received compensation. We hope we can do the same.”

Want to try out a CloudCuddle? That is also possible in Belgium. You have the choice of a trial weekend or renting.href=””>CloudCuddle</a> and liked it even better. Friends of ours who are in a similar situation have received compensation. We hope we can do the same.”

Want to try out a CloudCuddle? That is also possible in Belgium. You have the choice of a <a href=””>trial weekend</a> or <a href=””>renting</a>.