Facilities Fair Heliomare

Picking out a good wheelchair, adapted transport or communication device is not easy. There is a lot on the market, but sometimes it remains a search. Therefore Heliomare Rehabilitation department child/youth organizes a facilities fair on Monday, May 20 at Heliomare in Heemskerk.
CloudCuddle is ready for you this afternoon with approximately 30 suppliers. You can get acquainted with all kinds of facilities in the field of child rehabilitation. From exercise aids, adaptations in ADL and communication to adaptations in cars and toys. You can look everywhere and have plenty of opportunity to ask questions to vendors. It is a small but very versatile fair.
Date: Monday, May 20
Time: 14.30 – 18.00
Location: Plaza of Heliomare
de Velst 1, Heemskerk
Whether you are a parent, (para)physician, student, pupil or interested party, you are welcome and can just walk in. Free entrance.