Moving with a bed box?

Verhuizen bedbox

Moving with a bedbox: so much easier with a CloudCuddle

Moving when your child sleeps in a bedbox poses additional challenges for the parents of a child with a disability.
Mariëlle Groeneweg had to think of something fast when her son Tommie`s bedbox was moved just four days before the actual move. What to do?

Not to be outdone, she got an idea. Perhaps the CloudCuddle could help. “If only I had thought of it before,” she says. “My whole house was full of moving boxes. Where was the CloudCuddle? Fortunately, I`m fairly organized and it was quickly found.”

Bed box replaced with CloudCuddle during move
“Without CloudCuddle, my only option was to sleep with Tommie in the new, but otherwise still empty house. Not a cozy alternative and actually very inconvenient. Even though our new address was only a few hundred meters away, in the midst of the hectic pace of a move, something like that gives extra hassle. Fortunately I didn`t have to make that choice.”

Brother and sister cozy side by side
“Tommie is a happy child and was totally happy to sleep in the CloudCuddle at home for a few days. His own familiar little tent. Very nice because he can sometimes be stubborn and want to turn left when right is better. As a bonus, his oldest sister could sleep next to him to keep an eye on him. So we were all optimally equipped to do the job.

We are now completely settled in our new home. Super happy with it. The CloudCuddle has been put away but will definitely be taken along on our next outing. The peace and quiet that a CloudCuddle provides is priceless for us!”

Also interested in the CloudCuddle bed tent as an aid during the move? Request a trial weekend.