CloudCuddle bed tent gives freedom on vacation

Een bedtent geeft Luc en zijn ouders veel meer vrijheid op vakantie

Stopover on vacation no problem with bed tent

The hassle with health insurance companies, the endless bureaucracy and the lack of understanding about what your child really needs on vacation. And about what the impact is on the whole family. Ingrid Benoist was fed up with it! She bought a CloudCuddle bed tent for her son Luc this spring. Finally, she no longer had to make that long car ride during the vacations in one sitting. A stopover for an overnight stay in a cozy B&B was suddenly no longer a problem.

On vacation with a bed tent

“Luc is now 18 and we still like to take him on vacation,” says Ingrid. “But to put it simply, the choice of a destination has always largely revolved around him. He has Pitt Hopkins syndrome, is very mobile and wakes up a lot at night. He sleeps at home in a bed box. A safe place to sleep is always a primary concern. I find it a relief that we can now choose where we go. And can choose a vacation destination without a bed box.”

Tried everything except CloudCuddle

“We have used the necessary variants in all these years. From a simple camp bed to Deryan tents and the last year a Safespace. Good products but not suitable for us (anymore). Luc is too big and too heavy for the Deryan tents and the Safespace does not fit in the trunk. I have also been lying next to Luc, but then you don`t sleep at all. So that`s not an option either. I had already given up the courage to find one. We had really tried everything. Until we came across the CloudCuddle.”

Done with insurers

“What I`m also so done with is your dependence on insurance companies. You can only get reimbursed for what`s in the package, even if it doesn`t help you at all. Even if your own solution is cheaper and also safer for your child. I want to have as little to do with them as possible and I`m happy with the control I have again with the CloudCuddle bed tent.

Bed tent is suitable for both small and large

At 1.85 meters, Luc is undoubtedly one of the largest children to use the CloudCuddle bed tent. Ingrid: “But I must say that it is definitely not too small. He can just sit up straight in it. Of course not by the edges, but this disadvantage does not outweigh the many advantages: in a CloudCuddle Luc makes less noise, it reduces the stimuli that get into him and in the summer this bed tent is also great against mosquitoes! He sleeps wonderfully peacefully in it.”

First at camp, then on vacation to the south of France

“Luc first went on a week-long camp with the CloudCuddle. We had our hands free at home. Then it was off to the South of France. What a luxury to be able to arrange a bed & breakfast along the way. With the CloudCuddle in the trunk, we could afford a stopover for the first time in years. It`s a free feeling that we can now more easily spend the night somewhere spontaneously.”


At 1.85 meters, Luc is definitely not too tall for the CloudCuddle. He can sit up straight, except at the edges. For his mother, that doesn`t outweigh all the benefits.
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