If your child is sleeping poorly…

Does your child have trouble getting to sleep, does he or she often wake up during the night and does he or she regularly get out of bed in the middle of the night? If your child sleeps poorly, it is very tiring and stressful for your child and for you. You would like to get rid of those broken nights. It would be great if you could sleep through the night again. Maybe you feel you have tried everything. However, we would like to invite you to read the following and to see if there is anything new you can do about it.

Poor sleep hygiene

ogen wrijven kind moePoor sleep is something that occurs in many children. The most common cause is `poor sleep hygiene`. Unintentionally, bad habits are formed around going to bed and sleeping through the night. These include looking at a screen shortly before going to bed, consuming caffeinated drinks before going to bed, giving your child positive attention at night when he or she gets out of bed, but also: a television in the bedroom, a parent staying in the bedroom around bedtime and the lack of a recognizable routine around bedtime. So something can be done about this “poor sleep hygiene” by changing your child`s behavior and your own.
(Do you suspect that something else is going on? Then read on from Anxiety and bad sleep).

Behavior change

Instilling new habits around going to bed and around sleeping through is not easy but it is a good way to break the current situation. By making changes in your and your child`s behavior, you can develop a new “bed routine” together. When developing a good bed routine, think about:
– going to bed at fixed times and always following the same steps (going to bed on time, putting on pajamas, brushing teeth, reading a story in a quiet tone of voice, tucking in, lights off, little noise in the immediate area)
– Do not eat too heavy or too sweet (sugar gives an energy boost).kind slech slapen beeldschermchild sleeping poorly on a screen – avoid drinks with caffeine and lots of sugar such as coffee, cola, energy drinks, tea (except herbal tea), ice tea, chocolate and chocolate milk, especially in the evening
– don`t let your child use a screen shortly before going to bed (no TV, smartphone, computer, tablet)
– make going to bed attractive by giving your child something fun to do in bed- Give your child something to do if it often wakes up at night so it can stay in bed and enjoy itself.
– Don`t go and look straight away when your child cries.
– Be patient and persistent

Children thrive best with clarity and clear rules that are consistently followed.

Sleep exercise therapy

Did you know that there is also sleep exercise therapy? This is when a therapist helps you and your child develop a new bed routine. Together you discuss how things are going now and are given tips and tools to make changes. Perhaps a welcome helping hand? A therapist may be able to provide dietary, sports and exercise advice for your child, teach relaxation exercises, provide tools, teach your child to get more out of the head and into the body. A sleep therapist also tells you about the psychological aspects of sleep in children and what a healthy sleep pattern actually is.

Anxiety and bad sleep

kind slecht slaapt

Feelings of anxiety and stress can be another cause of poor sleep. In that case it is important to find out the reason for the anxiety and to discuss this with your child. It may be that your son or daughter has received too many stimuli during the day or that something is going on in the family, with friends or at school. Children can subconsciously resist sleeping due to stress. Talk to your child, remain patient and interested. Try to find out what is going on, show understanding and look for a solution together.

Medical background to sleeping problems

In addition to the causes already mentioned above, sometimes sleeping badly has a medical background. This can also be of a temporary nature. Think of pain after surgery or itching after an allergic reaction. This can definitely keep your child from sleeping. Fortunately, this often goes away once your child has recovered.
Another common problem is that some children have difficulty processing all the stimuli that come to them during the day. This causes them to sleep poorly. In that case it is important to create a stimulus-reducing environment for your child. One way to do this is by using a CloudCuddle bed tent. This has an irritant-reducing effect which makes children feel secure.
Everyone needs REM sleep to recover, to process what has happened during the day. REM is an abbreviation for rapid eye movement. REM sleep can be recognized by rapid eye movement. It is a deep sleep. A rested child is generally more resilient. It can handle more and will therefore perform better in school. It is less irritable and less likely to lose its temper.

Physical and psychological consequences

Although we do not want to scare you unnecessarily, it is good to know that sleeping badly can have long-term consequences. In children, sleep problems can lead to depression, obesity, diabetes, concentration problems, behavioral problems, more difficulty with complex tasks and disrupted biorhythms. So for the physical and mental health of your child, it is very important to give sleep problems serious and consistent attention and address them. If you are concerned about your child`s sleep behavior, see your doctor for advice.

Tool for child that sleeps badly

From various parents we hear that the CloudCuddle is a good tool to improve the sleep behavior of their child. This has to do with the fact that the bed tent provides a private and low-stimulus space where a child can feel safe. When developing a new bed routine, you can also try whether your child would benefit from a bed tent. This can be done very easily by trying out a CloudCuddle for a trial weekend at home.
Read more about the portable bed tent or discover what other parents say about it. You can always contact CloudCuddle if you have any questions. We`d love to hear about your experiences.