International Women`s Day 2023

Today – 8 March – is International Women`s Day.

Global attention Around the world today, a wide variety of events are being organized that spotlight women. Especially to honour all their political, economic and social achievements. One of the initiatives in the Netherlands is the Equals campaign, which provides a one-day programme in Amsterdam and The Hague, coupled with a role models campaign.

Role models Role models are essential. Especially for women in the tech sector. They are often pioneers who inspire with their determination. Studies show the added value of role models. It gives them commitment to the sector and more motivation and confidence to take on challenges.

Lotte Leufkens One of the role models in the campaign is Lotte Leufkens, founder of CloudCuddle. She inspires others, but also likes to be inspired herself. And that inspiration comes largely from CloudCuddle`s customers and all their grateful comments about the peace and freedom a CloudCuddle gives. Curious about the role models` stories? Take a look at the Equals – website. You can find Lotte`s story here. All images and inspiring stories can be found on this project page.

YesDelft! Equals is organising this campaign with the cooperation of 110 companies. Together, they put 166 women in the spotlight. YesDelft – the high-tech startup incubator linked to TU Delft – is one of them. Besides Lotte Leufkens, YesDelft! puts four more women from tech startups in the spotlight in this campaign.

Inspiration Recognising and celebrating women leaders in innovation and technology is vital. The tech industry has evolved rapidly in recent years, which calls for a gender-inclusive approach so that everyone is adequately represented. Young girls and women looking to shape their careers benefit from role models who inspire them to pursue their passions.

Be like them This Campaign helps motivate women to follow their professional goals. At the same time, on a macro scale, it is necessary to ensure that young girls can easily see these role models in their most familiar environment, their neighbourhood. When asked what they want to be later when they grow up, they can proudly answer, “I want to be like them!”  

Did you know that… only 18% of the workforce in the tech sector is female? Even though it is the fastest growing sector. High time for more balance.
