Finally joining the group on holiday

A week`s holiday with the institution`s group. Surely that should be possible for Ramon`s disabled son? The father rents a bed tent from CloudCuddle especially for this purpose, so that 25-year-old Ricardo can also enjoy going along with the group. Just for a week. Ramon can recommend it to any parent of a child with a disability.

Ramon van den Hoek is the father of Ricardo (25). When Ricardo was six months old, they noticed that he reacted differently from most babies. The parents then went to hospitals in Utrecht, Amsterdam and Nijmegen to find out what could be wrong with Ricardo. There was said to be oxygen deprivation at birth. More details were not known for a long time.

Ricardo can finally join the group on holiday with the CloudCuddle bed tent

High-low bed at home

Ricardo grew up at home. His parents arranged daycare and a high-low bed that he slept well in. “We did the care in pairs, my wife and me. But it`s seven days a week and at one point we ran out,” father Ramon recalls. When Ricardo was 15, his son became too big and heavy – 56 kilos – to care for at home seven days a week. Therefore, Ricardo moved to the ASVZ institution, at the Vincentius location in Udenhout.

Developmental delay

Ricardo has the developmental level of a six-month-old baby. He is a wheelchair user. “Sometimes I take him out of the wheelchair, at a disco night for example. For the rest of the day, Ricardo sits in a chair in which he can move his legs properly. That way he can exercise his leg muscles a bit” his father tells us.

Hereditary disorder

Ricardo suffers from mood swings, and difficult bowel movements, he babbles and walking has become increasingly difficult in recent years. He was only diagnosed six months ago: Ricardo has the very rare MECP2 duplication syndrome, an inherited condition that can be passed on to subsequent generations.

Bed tent CloudCuddle safe sleep finally joins the group on holiday
The CloudCuddle fits around almost any single mattress

On holiday with the group

In the institution, Ricardo also sleeps in an adapted bed, from which he cannot get out on his own. Recently, ASVZ staff wanted to take the group on another holiday to Beekse Bergen. Until recently, Ricardo could never go along because there are no adapted beds available at that place. An ASVZ staff member pointed Ramon to the possibility of renting a CloudCuddle. Ricardo`s father phoned customer service and after being properly briefed on how to use the bed tent, he rented one.

Easy to install

“We really liked the bed tent. Easy to set up, easy to handle. Ricardo can`t get out by himself, he sleeps well in it. The communication with CloudCuddle went well. I have a DHL point myself so after the holiday week I collected the bed tent from the group and returned it. I can recommend other parents to give it a try too,” Ramon said. “I am very satisfied.”

Would you also like your disabled son or daughter to go on holiday with the group and want to try out a bed tent? Check here for more information about renting a CloudCuddle.  

A zippered bed tent is a safe place to sleep on holiday
Zip-together bed tent CloudCuddle is a safe sleeping place