Put a stop to bonking, nighttime wandering, overstimulation with CloudCuddle bed tent

Nighttime wandering, banging, overstimulation, frequent waking at night. For many parents of a care-intensive child with Down syndrome, this is recognizable behavior. But it can also be different! The CloudCuddle bed tent can break this pattern.

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Nienke from Groningen wrote to us: “Our seven-year-old Feike is an enterprising child with Down syndrome. He is also a sensitive child to stimuli. The impressions he gains during the day keep him from sleeping at night. He wakes up an average of three to six times a night. Moreover, even then he actively seeks out sound stimuli and he thumps against his bed. Also, he goes on walks.” The result? Lots of nighttime wandering, restlessness and broken nights for the whole family.

Stimulus processing

Fortunately, there is another way. Recently Feike started sleeping in a CloudCuddle bed tent. Nienke continues: “The bed tent muffles sound stimuli and stimulates Feike`s stimulus processing. We haven`t slept this well in years.” And the bonus? CloudCuddle can be taken anywhere. “Setting up and taking down is a piece of cake. So Feike has his own familiar sleeping environment everywhere. Wherever we go, we no longer have to worry that he will cause trouble there. The freedom we gain is invaluable.”

You can try out a CloudCuddle for a weekend or rent one for a set period of time.